"An Inconvenient Truth" is a compelling documentary that showcases former U.S. Vice President Al Gore's passionate campaign to raise awareness about the planet's worsening climate crisis. The documentary vividly illustrates the dire consequences of a future with increased global warming and offers insight into solutions."Blackfish" is a captivating documentary that explores the consequences of keeping orcas in captivity, through the story of Tilikum, an orca who tragically caused several deaths. The documentary sparked a worldwide debate about the ethical aspects of using these intelligent marine mammals as entertainment."Making a Murderer" is a Netflix original documentary series that covers the story of Steven Avery, a man from Wisconsin wrongfully convicted of sexual assault and attempted murder."The Last Dance" is a captivating sports documentary that chronicles the exceptional career of basketball legend Michael Jordan, with a particular focus on the 1997-1998 NBA season with the Chicago Bulls. The series combines never-before-seen footage and interviews to provide an all-encompassing view of Jordan's impact on and off the court."March of the Penguins" is a heartwarming documentary that highlights the extraordinary journey that Emperor Penguins undertake each year in the harsh conditions of Antarctica. Their incredible endurance and dedication to their offspring, trekking miles across the ice to their breeding grounds, are brought to life in this film."Man on Wire" is an exhilarating documentary that relives Philippe Petit's daring high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of New York's World Trade Center in 1974. Petit's feat, considered one of the greatest high-wire walks in history, is a testament to the human spirit and the pursuit of the impossible."Super Size Me" is an eye-opening documentary that follows filmmaker Morgan Spurlock as he embarks on a 30-day journey during which he eats only food from McDonald's. The documentary provides a sobering view of the fast food industry and its effects on health, prompting viewers to reconsider their own eating habits."The Social Dilemma" is a powerful Netflix documentary that delves into the detrimental effects of social media on society and individuals' mental health. Through interviews with tech industry insiders, the documentary reveals how these platforms can manipulate user behavior, fuel addiction, and spread misinformation."Amy" is a heartrending documentary that paints a candid portrait of the rise and fall of British singer-songwriter Amy Winehouse. With intimate interviews and unseen footage, it chronicles her life, career, struggles with substance abuse, and her untimely death, leaving a deep impact on viewers."Free Solo" documents Alex Honnold's breath-taking free solo climb (without ropes or safety gear) of El Capitan, a 3,000-foot vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park. The film not only documents this death-defying feat but also explores Honnold's mindset and the consequences of his lifestyle."Planet Earth" is a groundbreaking BBC nature documentary series, celebrated for its stunning visuals and the inspiring narration by the renowned naturalist David Attenborough. His engaging storytelling brings the beauty and the brutal reality of the natural world to life, increasing awareness about the planet's biodiversity and the need to protect it."Bowling for Columbine" is a hard-hitting documentary directed by Michael Moore that explores the causes and consequences of the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School. Moore's film provokes thought on the impact of gun culture and media influence in America, stirring discussion on these vital societal issues."The Great Hack" is a Netflix original documentary that unveils the chilling details of the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal. The film serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive nature of data harvesting and the dangers of personal data misuse, shedding light on the invisible world of data privacy rights."Inside Job" is an insightful documentary directed by Charles Ferguson that investigates the 2008 global financial meltdown. It dissects the roles of Wall Street, government, and academia in the crisis, illuminating the complexities of the modern financial system and the far-reaching impact of corporate greed."I Am Greta" is an intimate documentary about teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg. The film follows her rise from a lone student protesting in front of the Swedish Parliament to inspiring millions to join her in the fight against climate change. It’s a testament to the power of one voice to galvanize global change.Zdobyłeś 0 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 1 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 2 z 15 punktówZdobyłeś 3 z 15 punktówZdobyłeś 4 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 5 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 6 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 7 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 8 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 9 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 10 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 11 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 12 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 13 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 14 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 15 na 15 punktów
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In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Powiedz nam, kim jesteś, aby zobaczyć swoje wyniki!
"An Inconvenient Truth" addresses which major global issue?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
The documentary "Blackfish" focuses on what animal?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Which streaming service produced the true crime documentary "Making a Murderer"?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
What sport is the subject of the documentary "The Last Dance"?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
"March of the Penguins" documents the annual journey of which type of penguin?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
"Man on Wire" is a documentary about a high-wire walk between which two buildings?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
What is the primary focus of the documentary "Super Size Me"?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
The 2020 documentary "The Social Dilemma" is about what?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Who is the subject of the documentary "Amy"?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
"Free Solo" documents a historic climb of which mountain?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Which celebrity narrates the documentary "Planet Earth"?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
"Bowling for Columbine" is a documentary directed by which filmmaker?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Which streaming platform produced the documentary "The Great Hack"?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
What global event is the focus of the documentary "Inside Job"?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
What environmental activist is the subject of the documentary "I Am Greta"?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Gratulacje, skończyłeś! Oto twój wynik:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Gratulacje, skończyłeś! Oto twój wynik:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Gratulacje, skończyłeś! Oto twój wynik:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Gratulacje, skończyłeś! Oto twój wynik:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!
Gratulacje, skończyłeś! Oto twój wynik:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know These Notable Documentary Films?" quiz! In this quiz, you'll journey through the world of documentary cinema, testing your knowledge on a variety of films that have left their mark on the genre. From climate change to sports triumphs, social media controversies to gripping true crime narratives, these documentaries offer a fascinating glimpse into diverse aspects of our world. So, whether you're a seasoned documentary connoisseur or a casual viewer, take this quiz to see how well you've been paying attention to these significant cinematic stories. Enjoy the quiz and good luck!